Saturday 4 August 2012

A Sub, a Sub... My kingdom for a sub

 You can have no idea how difficult it can be at the top! The pressure is never ending, especially when you're dealing with many allies of different species. Fortunately, I was reminded of my university days with a photograph found by my old sparring partner, the Librarian. He obviously remembers the incident with the transmat machine more fondly than I do, but at least it lightened the mood for a brief moment..

Recent weeks, you see,  have seen us negotiating with the Daleks - in the guise of @HolyDalek and @insomniacDalek. A mistake, I hear some of you say, but when needs must the devil drives. And unfortunately the need most certainly "musted".  There was no way we could have achieved  a successful operation against the Penguins without them. Though part of me does wonder whether we would have needed them - had it not been for the initial - and quite frankly pernicious, (do i mean that?) - persistence  of Head of Nordic Division - @OlsenHalkier, who single-handedly took on the might of their feathery badness, until the rest of us realised how seriously we needed to take his warnings. I will admit, it wasn't until I saw this  recent surveillance shot  that I took Head of Nordic Division seriously, and moved away from worrying about the continuing issues here at HQ.

But, alas this interesting interlude was but that - an interlude.

And so to the ongoing saga of R&D. Those of you with keen minds and long memories will recall that after a run in with our ally Ming the Merciless - or as he is more commonly known, @DrBizarro, I put the word out that I  felt it was time #SPECTRE invested more heavily in underwater equipment. Alas, when I said I was looking to buy a submarine, I was hoping for something more like this futuristic little number not the initial offering from R&D. (see top picture.) So, I asked them to go back to the drawing board and come up with something more suitable There are times, I really don't know why I bother.... Does this look suitable? No I didn't think so either. 
Remember Boys, no job here at #SPECTRE is a secure one, you can so easily be replaced.

At least @sharpe has been paying attention and made a sensible offering for us to consider when purchasing our  new underwater equipment.

I'm sure R&D are in cahoots with Accounts. Which is sad - we need visionaries not pen- pushers and fuddy duddies in charge of R&D... But it seems I am likely to be waiting for sometime for the ideal chap for the job.

As of time of writing, no one has been able to track down my ideal candidate... trust me  none of the CV's as yet received are suitable...

Perhaps I should be grateful for the diversion provided by the Olympics. It certainly has been interesting to see the humans versions of our most athletic creations -  the dash into the room then stare meaningfully, the hop skip and flop and synchronised sleeping remain popular amongst operatives. It is also heartening to know that @calliemund have excelled at the synchronised stare.   @Carolkirkwood contacted #SPECTRE for help with her ironing pile, but I'm not sure our extreme ironing team was what she had in mind. When I explained that cat extreme ironing involved sleeping on the pile  and success was judged by whether the pile stayed put, she laughed. Really! There are times I'm glad I'm a megalomaniac cat bent on world domination. You humans need our guidance more and more each day.

Well, we would be able to take over if some operatives knew the difference between Cress and IPCRESS! An off the cuff remark from UCC - @hutchinsondave, led to @goosetreerocks making me realise that you just can't take anything for granted. But this was nothing compared to the revelation that #SPECTRE has not only lost its collective dressing gown, but at the moment doesn't even know where its towel is... @pozicle and @lillieputian tell me they are on the case. Again, I feel this lost something in translation as we haven't lost the case...

We are again having to deal with NASA trying to take credit for the superb moon witnessed over London recently. Look guys face it, we don't need your help to create magic.  

However, it seems I must end on a cautionary note...

As a consequence of  our last post, concerns were raised that our secret involvement in THE assassination of the 20th century has been discovered,  I expressed the hope that this would be the last embarrassing revelation for sometime. Obviously our mole in Whitehall - one Chocolate Brown of the FO has not been listening - as I  understand this photo is doing the rounds... HEADS ARE ROLLING, I CAN ASSURE YOU. 

You just can't trust anyone these days.  I suppose one can hope that we may be able to palm it off on that well known mass murderer  one JB Fletcher, or those relative newcomers - the Barnaby Cousins..

We shall see. 

As always,  
until the Next Time 

Rover and Out

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