I am reliably informed that Saturday sees the return of the hour that was stolen from me earlier in the year. It took long enough to lobby the Powers that Be for its return and I am glad to say I have their assurance that they won't be removing it again for the foreseeable future. They had better not. I do not like time being messed around with.. Especially by amateurs
But as we approach the anniversary of our First Year on Twitter, it behoves me, as Head of SPECTRE to ask some vital questions like:
What have we achieved?
Well we have established that we are capable of taking over the world. See our website for details
We have achieved a few bloopers - the admissions of the Kennedy shootings and the Titanic sinking spring to mind. And we have some key alliances - most notably the Daleks, the Dragons @DrBizarro and @Captain Limey. I do not class our alliance with Locutus of Borg as ratified
Why are we here?
That's an easy one to answer - some allies and Operatives (they know who they are) insisted on publishing erroneous data which necessitated a move. Initially I thought to encourage Heads to Roll but hey I quite like the new place...Why doesn't #Operationweekend start earlier and last longer?
A tough one. There's not a time continuum big enough to deal with the excitement? Possibly.But mainly because our ally @Poringlandoak tells us their cellar isn't large enough to handle any more booze. When R&D can get their act together, then I suggest that we put them on the task of organising a larger cellar...
Ok I said when. Perhaps I should say if...
Because there is a really burning question....
Until Next Time...
Rover and Out