For those of you who are always convinced that life as a cat in charge of #SPECTRE is easy, you need to know that moving your top secret HQ is not a barrel of laughs. For starters, what do you do with your warplanes? Do you fly them? And if you do, do you move them in daylight or undercover of darkness?

Once you've dealt with the fighter pilots and their craft, you need to decide how to move the fire engines. And remember that's an entirely different kettle of fish. Which reminds me - what did we do with the fish tank?

But after that, oh boy does it get difficult. For a start, how do you stop your Operatives getting in the boxes. REMEMBER We're an outfit of cats. And once we've got them in, how do you get them out again? Option one - ring a bell? Nah that won't work we're not a dog. And besides they don't know how to get in the box in the first place.
Option two put up the following sign - and watch them scatter.
Of course, now that we've had the Olympics you could always try running a race. And some cats will - of course - oblige.
However, whatever you don't don't let a cat near the bubble wrap...

And whatever you do, don't forget the toilet roll
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