But as we approach the anniversary of our First Year on Twitter, it behoves me, as Head of SPECTRE to ask some vital questions like:
What have we achieved?
Well we have established that we are capable of taking over the world. See our website for details
We have achieved a few bloopers - the admissions of the Kennedy shootings and the Titanic sinking spring to mind. And we have some key alliances - most notably the Daleks, the Dragons @DrBizarro and @Captain Limey. I do not class our alliance with Locutus of Borg as ratified
Why are we here?
That's an easy one to answer - some allies and Operatives (they know who they are) insisted on publishing erroneous data which necessitated a move. Initially I thought to encourage Heads to Roll but hey I quite like the new place...Why doesn't #Operationweekend start earlier and last longer?
A tough one. There's not a time continuum big enough to deal with the excitement? Possibly.But mainly because our ally @Poringlandoak tells us their cellar isn't large enough to handle any more booze. When R&D can get their act together, then I suggest that we put them on the task of organising a larger cellar...
Ok I said when. Perhaps I should say if...
Because there is a really burning question....

Until Next Time...
Rover and Out
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