Firstly, @battydash ensured her operatives have received their regulation pedicures and manicures after their latest mission.
More importantly, we here at HQ have been toiling tirelessly to ensure that our Weather Machine is working accurately: thus giving all Operatives the weather they desire.
It is tough work. @The_Tardis_Toms felt we had the machine stuck on extra hot, and @corvusfluff had kittens (difficult at the best of times - even more so when you're a crow). And there were fears that we'd never get the device going again and we'd have to take the thing back to Argos. Fortunately, a small breeze eventually appeared, which was good, as by then Accounts were in a flap. They couldn't find the receipt.
And you know the rule.
No receipt. No return.
And I can assure you all... heads would have rolled had we not been either to get it working or take it back to the shop.
The department of sleight of hand sent word that NASA has been trying to steal our thunder. Apparantly NASA convinced @Prof_BrianCocks that they were responsible for placing the moon. We thank him for this picture but feel it necessary to set the record straight, that this is all #SPECTRE's doing...
Negotiations for the site of our telescope array continue. It was a little hairy at times especially as #SPECTRE Head of Translations (and Nordic liaison officer) - @Neslook didn't know the Suffolk for "telescope array." But we bumbled through. I can't of course state where our array will be housed. Unlike our human counterparts who can't keep quiet about their array's location. #SPECTRE knows the danger of blowing its own trumpet.
Talking of blowing up, @CaptainLimey was reminded that Laser Cannons can only be fired after twelve noon. As many of you will no doubt remember - this law was enacted after the last time the good captain had a party of his Operatives at #CLENCH HQ. His mitigating argument that Stevenage looks so much better; whilst true, did not hold sway with the judge! And we would have been derelict in our duty had we not reminded him of the ruling at the first opportunity.
On a positive note, we have received word from our allies the Dragons, in the form of @llechiDragon- who has been visiting Mount Snowdon and keeping it company lest it got lonely. From what Llechi says it's a tough life being a mountain. Until we hear to the contrary, we feel our dragon ally is the only expert in this field. Word has also been received from @beany_z that all is well north of the border. This is indeed pleasing, for we know that our Scots allies are approaching their busy season.
This is especially pleasing given the news from Azerbaijan...
Head of Nordic Division @OlsenHalkier was leading #SPECTRE's attempts to influence the Eurovision outcome. Our pickled Herring Factory sprang into action as we threw our energies behind the Russian Grannies. Alas - even with threatened subsidence (caused by storing the herring) - we were unable to bribe enough judges. The Herring Factory has been given Notice to Improve by our Team of Inspectors.
Our Team of Inspectors has been busy and #SPECTRE is pleased to announce that our ally @poringlandoak passed its initial inspection and was awarded a certificate to prove it.
Obviously further - undercover inspections will be necessary to ensure that our Ally remains true to the tennants that are: #Operationweekend.
Until next time
Rover and Out