Many apologies to those Operatives and Allies who have been waiting for updates. We have been up to our ear fur with plans for the telescope array. It's almost an impossible task to find a suitable location! We have been as far a field as Norfolk and Leeds in our search. All to no avail. If this continues we may have to look further afield...

It is at least comforting to know that somethings are going well...
The Ninja Cats inform me that they are "well made up" by this new chap!

A little out of the ordinary, this young cat is certainly agile, and we hope he will be able to pass on his skills to some of our more Senior Operatives. Well I can live in hope, I suppose.
I, of course, remain concerned by the IQ of recruits coming into our Disguise Creation Department. In light of the bad weather, you will recall I sent out requests for solutions to the FOG problem. This was their offering, and I can assure you HEADS HAVE ROLLED...

Of course, there are times we here at SPECTRE need to issue an apology and this is one of them. Some of our operatives were naturally hoping that June would see the end of this unmentionable weather. But teething problems with the weather machine caused no end of upsets.
As the temperature veered between "Stupidly Hot!" and "Can it really get any colder?" And when the "rain came down and the floods came up" in biblical proportions, some of you naturally begin to question SPECTRE's mission statement. Things were further complicated when our Time Travel Team -TTT- under the "Inspired Leadership" of @Wallewallewalle (HER WORDS NOT MINE) saw these fluctuations in the weather as proof that they had successfully manipulated time to return us to winter!
This of course was not their brief!
As you can imagine, severe reprimands were issued.
I think we can now safely say that the TTT are more aware of where their arms are in relation to other parts of their anatomy!
I am still not sure the same can be said for those working on the weather machine, but @Corvusfluff assures me that at least he will be able to test the waterproof wing umbrellas! If this was what he had in mind, then I think I've eviscerated the wrong department head

On a sounder note...
Operation Weekend continues apace, with many reports coming in of Daring Do! Patrols! Manicures and Pedicures! as well as well earned naps and the plotting of plans and schemes- Many thanks to @callimund @fordthecat, @pippajo30 and @battydash for their updates!
Our ally the Pub @Poringlandoak has many activities planned surrounding beer and quizzes, and we look forward to reading his briefing notes as summer continues. For those of you who have no interest in such pursuits, cultural notes are being provided by @hrhtheduchess, who has been very busy this month with the Jubilee and all that Jazz!
Undercover Cat supremo @hutchinsonDave did his best to divert Head of Nordic Division away from his preoccupation with Penguins. But it seems that even a conundrum that would have had Sherlock Holmes reaching for his pipe - was easily solved by the realisation that you don't see Nick Knowles or Beyonce Knowles in the same room at the same time and @OlsenHalkier returned to the black and white pests that make his life a living hell. O WELL
Hopefully we will solve our Array situation and I can bring you updates in a more timely fashion. Until then - as always -